"SPF PermError: too many DNS lookups" 是一个在很多 SPF (Sender Policy Framework,发送者策略框架) 实现中常见的错误。当超过这个 10 次 DNS 查询的极限以后,SPF PermError,即 SPF 永久性错误,将被返回。SPF PermError 会降低邮件送达率。
本文介绍什么是 SPF 的 DNS 查找极限,当 SPF 记录越过这个极限的后果,以及如何使用 DMARCLY 的 Safe SPF 功能来解决这个问题。
SPF PermError: too many DNS lookups当您在域名上…

While Safe SPF overcomes the 10-DNS-lookup limit in SPF, sometimes it's desirable to flatten only a part of your SPF record, while leaving the rest as is. If this is the case, you can use partial Safe SPF.
One good reason for this is that some email delivery services like HelpScout, Office 365, At…